Seemingly every other day I see a story about the wave of resignations that are hitting big employers. Employees are ready for something new.
Here’s the most recent I’ve read about the Great Employee Resignation.
Instead of fighting it by plotting retention strategies, perhaps employers should put more energy into accomplishing their goals using a new resource.
After all, employees represent just one way to get work done. You have options. Other ways include: Outsourcing, using temp workers, bringing in contractors and consultants.
While at first glance these other approaches might seem like higher hassle and more cost, that’s not necessarily true when you examine the complete picture.
Take the case of using contractors to tackle a project. You’ve got people used to jumping into unfamiliar territory and quickly getting up to speed. You don’t need to provide them with benefits and tools. They are motivated to do excellent work because their ability to get the next gig depends on it. When the project is complete, everyone goes their separate ways, no hard feelings.
I know whenever I go into a company as a contractor, I don’t expect to be onboarded. I plan to immediately start adding value because that’s what my clients expect.
This workforce is available and ready to work. Are you ready to partner with them to advance your business goals?
If you’d rather stick with tradition, I’d argue you’re betting against the trendline.