Get It All Done Without Doing It

Delegate your to-do list

My home to-do list was daunting this past year.

It was filled with a combination of necessary maintenance and some desired upgrades.

I wanted it all done, but wasn’t looking forward to doing any of it.

New leader training and coaching

It was a busy 12 months

Now I look back over the past year feeling surprisingly proud of all that I have accomplished. Here’s what I can say about what was done:

  • Marie and I determined what needed doing.
  • Together, we figured out what we could do and what someone else would need to do.
  • Of the things we could do, we decided what we wanted (or were willing) to do.
  • For the items we decided not to do ourselves, we found suitable contractors who could do the work.
  • We worked with the contractors to make sure they understood our expectations.
  • We monitored progress, providing feedback when necessary (hopefully without being a micromanaging contractor’s nightmare).
  • We paid the bills in full and on time.
  • We made a lot happen.

Now we can happily say that in the past 12 months we’ve got a remodeled kitchen, a new toilet, sink, and exhaust fan installed in our bathroom, LED lighting throughout the house, weather stripping on the front door, extra outdoor outlets, our exterior painted, our shed painted, and our driveway resealed.

Of all those things on the list, the only item I did myself was paint the shed.

There were items I could have done myself, but made a decision to let someone who was better at the job take it on so that I could focus on what I was best at and also what I wanted to do with my time.

I didn’t spend the past year sitting in the lawn chair watching grass grow. I still had plenty to do.

Analyze your to-do list

Think about everything you are supposed to get done as part of your core responsibilities. Now add on what you would like to get done because you see its importance.

Let’s assume hiring some coworkers is out of the question. And even if you could, you wouldn’t be sure who to hire. The person who could help with two of the items on your list, likely won’t be able to help with the other 12 items. 

So why not work it the same way I worked my home list? Bring people in to do what you need done. You can get a lot accomplished this way without having to spend the time doing it yourself.

Tasks I can do for you

I provide services that address tasks HR managers most likely have on their to-do lists. You need the help and I want to help. It’s a perfect match. The usual challenge is finding each other, but because you are reading this, we now have found each other.

The next step is to connect. We do that with an introductory phone call that you can schedule right now.

What’s On Your To-Do List?

  • Sexual harassment training for all employees
  • Plan the upcoming management offsite
  • Create a development program for emerging leaders
  • Figure out ways to boost employee engagement and morale
  • Improve the way meetings get done across the company
  • Build or revise your new employee orientation program
  • Get managers to give their employees more feedback
  • Do supervisory training for new managers
  • Get a coach for a manager who is struggling
  • Provide support to a department with too much infighting
  • Schedule a series of meaningful lunch & learns
  • Help older managers figure out how to work with millennials
  • Strengthen performance management systems
  • Fix the lousy communication processes

Let’s connect

You can’t do it all, but you can certainly do a whole lot more when you let others take some of the work off your plate.

For 22 years I’ve been providing a wide range of organizational development services including: Training, Facilitation, Coaching, Team Building and a whole lot more. I just like to help.

Let’s have a short phone call to see if there’s a fit.

By Tom LaForce

Tom LaForce helps companies change by creating stronger teams, more effective leaders, and better processes. To discuss a challenge you're facing, use this link to schedule a free discovery call.