You Need a Vacation

Look out the window. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. Summer days are abloom in all their glory.

Now look at your desk. Take a peek at your email inbox. Check that calendar. Piled high and chuck tight, right?

It’s decision time. Meetings and email or sunshine and hammocks?

Change Management for restructuring

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Take a vacation. The work will be there when you return.

Back from My Vacation

I am just back from a week-long staycation. This time it was all about biking. The Twin Cities and the surrounding areas are loaded with great biking options. Here are some of the trails that kept our legs pedaling this week:

When I worked for a company, I remember the excitement of getting away from work for a while. Even long weekends were a source of major giddiness.

Now that I work on my own, vacation no longer provides that same thrill. I suppose it’s because I like what I do and don’t want to get away from it. There’s also the worry that if I am away from my business, it will somehow fall apart.

Luckily, Marie reminds me when it’s time for a vacation. She also gently insists that I take one. I’m glad that she does. Otherwise it would be too easy to keep working away, without a break.

And I’ll admit, there was some work that got done on vacation. I responded to a few emails. I also checked corn for a local farmer. And yes, I can confirm that this farmer’s corn was knee-high by the Fourth of July.

Knee high by the Fourth of July

In the days leading up to vacation, I didn’t have the energy to write a blog post. Today, it’s no problem. I feel refreshed, and ready for action. I have new ideas that popped while enjoying leisurely bike rides. I’m excited to be back at work.

Your Turn for Vacation

A vacation doesn’t have to cost a lot. You don’t have to go far. You just need to make a mental shift away from what must be done to what you want to do.

So when are you starting your vacation?

Image credit: Marie LaForce

By Tom LaForce

Tom LaForce helps companies change by creating stronger teams, more effective leaders, and better processes. To discuss a challenge you're facing, use this link to schedule a free discovery call.