MS Word Kept Giving Me Insufficient Memory Warning Message

This is a recent problem for me. When I started Microsoft Word, I’d get an error message “Insufficient memory or disk space, cannot display the requested font.”

When it happened the document looked fine on the screen, but when it came to printing, I got big problems.

The first time it occurred, I tried a bunch of solutions that I found on the Web. None of them worked. I eventually reinstalled Office, and that solved the problem.

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Today the problem showed up again, and this time that solution didn’t work.

Prior to the reinstall, I once again worked my way through a bunch of other forum-based solutions, including starting Word in safe mode, creating a new file, and some other ideas that I can’t remember.

It was then that I looked at the error message more closely. I knew the memory or disk space wasn’t an issue. Perhaps it had something to do with the font.

One of the fonts I had in the document was Open Sans from Google Fonts. It had been working for a while now, but suddenly I wondered if that was the source of my problem. I changed the font back to good old Arial. Saved the document, and reopened. No more error message.

I reinstalled Open Sans in my fonts directory. That didn’t solve the problem.

On my previous computer, I had Skyfonts installed. On a recent upgrade I didn’t reinstall the app. Now I have and the docs with those fonts appear to once be working. Does that mean Skyfonts was the missing link?


By Tom LaForce

Tom LaForce helps companies change by creating stronger teams, more effective leaders, and better processes. To discuss a challenge you're facing, use this link to schedule a free discovery call.