A team charter provides the team with a clear focus. It cuts right through the ambiguity about questions that begin with why, what, or how.
If you’ve a got a new team or an existing team that’s struggling, you’d be smart to spend some time answering these critical team charter questions.
1. Why does the team exist?
- The purpose
- Key clients/stakeholders
- The problem or need the team will address
2. What will the team accomplish/deliver?
- Scope of responsibility
- Major goals
- Key milestones and time lines
3. How will the team operate?
- Team members
- Roles and responsibilities
- Decision-making and authority
- Resources required
- Team norms
One of the big problems teams face is confusion. Much of that confusion can be prevented if the team develops a good charter from the onset. If the team is already established, it doesn’t hurt to go back and tighten up the charter. Does yours need a tune-up?