Say this out loud right now.
“I can’t know or do everything, but there are people out
there who know and can do exactly what I need.”
Do you believe it? I do.
So how do you find these folks and more importantly stay connected with them? One requirement is good old-fashioned hobnobbing. You know; meeting people, finding out what they know and can do, and then begin the process of building a relationship. A second requirement is a way to keep track.
For the second, I’m a big fan of LinkedIn. It really is a useful way to stay connected with colleagues as they move from place to place in their careers.
It’s also helpful for reconnecting with those long-lost friends I’ve somehow lost track of. When I meet someone new these days, I almost always look them up on LinkedIn to learn more about where they’ve been and what they know.
Some who aren’t using it say that it seems like a waste of time. That hasn’t been the case for me. Just the opposite, it seems like a low-cost (i.e. my time) way to build a mutually supportive network of professionals. And these days, who couldn’t use a few more friends.
Think we ought to connect? Here’s my LinkedIn page. Send me an invite.