How to Fascinate People

Fascinate Others

I generally like self-assessment personality tests. Answer a few questions. Discover my type. Revel in how cool and awesome my type is.

These tests are also handy in team building. They help teammates learn to better understand each other. Out of understanding comes respect and that usually contributes to better results.

Today I tried the Fascination Advantage test by Sally Hogshead. On her site she writes that the purpose is “to evaluate what kind of first and lasting impression you’re making with others.” In other words, it provides some insights into the question, “What’s my brand?”

Change Management for restructuring

It measures seven personality triggers, ways in which you spark interest of those around you. They are: Power, Prestige, Alarm, Passion, Trust, Mystique, and Rebellion.

The report assigns you one of 49 archetypes, which results from combining your primary and secondary triggers.

Primary for me was Prestige. Secondary was Power. This combo meant my archetype is “The Victor.” Here’s what my report says about my type:


  • You get the job done — and do it well.
  • Your impeccable presentation and style earns you immediate respect from employees, clients and colleagues.
  • You earn valuable respect in your relationships within a wide social circle.
  • You constantly seek ways to improve, and manage to see the challenge in instances where your team falls short.
  • You have a direct, no-surprises communication style, and you expect the same from those around you.

Here’s the problem. While I agree with parts of the description, it doesn’t feel right for me. Maybe I was in a strange mood when answering the questions. Perhaps it was that four of the seven triggers were all within a percentage or two. I’m just not ready to declare victory, despite my newly discovered type.

Here are the 49 archetypes for your review. Using just the three adjectives associated with each type, how do you think the world sees you? I found ten that I’d say were better reflections of me than The Victor. Of those, the two that I thought came closest were:

  • The Maverick: Pioneering, Irreverant, Entrepreneurial
  • The Change Agent: Inventive, Vivid, Quick-witted

Of course, if you can provide any insights, please do. Maybe I have a lot to learn about my own brand.

I am curious if you have used this assessment in your organization or have heard about others who have. Share what you know in the comments.

Image credit: Yogendra Joshi

By Tom LaForce

Tom LaForce helps companies change by creating stronger teams, more effective leaders, and better processes. To discuss a challenge you're facing, use this link to schedule a free discovery call.